2020 / 04 / 09
How to add Vuetify to Vue.js

Material Design for the greater good!

material design

Basic setup

This guide builds on Quickstart guide for a new Vue.js project.

Install Vuetify

Let’s use the new vue add command to install Vuetify:

vue add vuetify

You’ll see something along the lines of:

📦  Installing vue-cli-plugin-vuetify...
✔  Successfully installed plugin: vue-cli-plugin-vuetify

? Choose a preset:
Configure (advanced)

? Use a pre-made template?
(will replace App.vue and HelloWorld.vue):

? Use custom theme?

? Use custom properties (CSS variables)?

? Select icon font:
Material Design Icons

? Use fonts as a dependency (for Electron or offline)?

? Use a-la-carte components?

? Select locale:

🚀  Invoking generator for vue-cli-plugin-vuetify...
📦  Installing additional dependencies...

⚓  Running completion hooks...

✔  Successfully invoked generator for plugin: vue-cli-plugin-vuetify


The Material Design guidelines for typography, state that Roboto and Noto are the standard typefaces to use.

When you installed Vuetify through vue add vuetify it modified your public/index.html file and added these lines:



Launch your app

Start your project with:

yarn serve

And visit: http://localhost:8080.

Fix the tests

Our HelloWorld.vue component was changed by the Vuetify installer. Let’s fix it:

--- a/src/components/HelloWorld.vue
+++ b/src/components/HelloWorld.vue
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
           Welcome to Vuetify
+        <p>{{ msg }}</p>
         <p class="subheading font-weight-regular">
           For help and collaboration with other Vuetify developers,
           <br>please join our online
@@ -95,6 +97,13 @@
 export default {
   name: 'HelloWorld',
+  props: {
+    msg: {
+      required: true,
+      type: String
+    }
+  },
   data: () => ({
     ecosystem: [

Next, let’s fix our unit tests:

--- a/tests/unit/example.spec.js
+++ b/tests/unit/example.spec.js
@@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
-import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'
+import { createLocalVue, shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'
+import Vuetify from 'vuetify'
 import HelloWorld from '@/components/HelloWorld.vue'
+const localVue = createLocalVue()
 describe('HelloWorld.vue', () => {
   it('renders props.msg when passed', () => {
     const msg = 'new message'
     const wrapper = shallowMount(HelloWorld, {
-      propsData: { msg }
+      propsData: { msg },
+      localVue,
+      vuetify: new Vuetify()

Lastly, let’s fix our end-to-end tests:

--- a/tests/e2e/specs/test.js
+++ b/tests/e2e/specs/test.js
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
 describe('My First Test', () => {
   it('Visits the app root url', () => {
-    cy.contains('h1', 'Welcome to Your Vue.js App')
+    cy.contains('h1', 'Welcome to Vuetify')

Everything should be OK now. Verify it by running the unit tests:

yarn test:unit

Now run the end-to-end tests:

yarn test:e2e:headless