2022 / 07 / 29
2023 / 03 / 31
Vue 3 with TypeScript cheat sheet

How to properly use types when writing Vue components.

vue 3


For this, you’ll need a Vue 3 + TypeScript (+ Tailwind CSS) project.

You can set up one following the instructions here:
Build a Vue 3 + TypeScript dev environment with Vite

Basic types, Records

  • If you want a type meaning “any value”, you probably want unknown instead.
  • If you want a type meaning “any object”, you probably want Record<string, unknown> instead.
  • If you want a type meaning “empty object”, you probably want Record<string, never> instead.

Adding properties to the window object

Add a src/index.d.ts file with this content:

export {}

declare global {
  interface Window {
    someVariable: string
    otherThing: number
    // any other variables you need here...

With that you’ll avoid the error:

Property ‘someVariable’ does not exist on type ‘Window & typeof globalThis’.

Vue components

If you are passing a Vue component as a property or assigning to a variable:

import { defineComponent } from 'vue'

export interface MenuItem {
  label: string
  icon?: ReturnType<typeof defineComponent>
  children: MenuItem[]


<script setup lang="ts">
const props = defineProps<{
  ppi: number | null
  mapConfig: MapConfig

Props with defaults

<script setup lang="ts">
const props = withDefaults(
    buttonStyle?: 'primary' | 'secondary'
  { buttonStyle: 'primary' }


<script setup lang="ts">
const emit = defineEmits<{
  (e: 'frame:height', value: number): void
  (e: 'frame:width', value: number): void
  (e: 'layer:toggle', value: LayerSpecification): void
  (e: 'map:add-text', value: string): void
  (e: 'map:download'): void
  (e: 'text:remove', value: [AddedText, number]): void


Typing refs:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'

const activeMenuIndex = ref<number | null>(null)

// later...
activeMenuIndex.value = 5
activeMenuIndex.value = null

DOM refs

Get a DOM reference to an HTML input element:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'

const textToAdd = ref('')
const textToAddInput = ref<HTMLInputElement | null>(null)

onMounted(() => {

function focusInput() {


Component refs

Get a DOM reference to a Vue component:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'

import BaseButton from '@/components/buttons/BaseButton.vue'

const buttonRef = ref<InstanceType<typeof BaseButton> | null>(null)

onMounted(() => {


  <BaseButton ref="buttonRef">Click me</BaseButton>


When working with input events, the event handler will receive an Event type, then you’ll have to assert the currentTarget type as the one you need.

<script setup lang="ts">
function handleHeightResize(ev: Event) {
  const value = (ev.currentTarget as HTMLInputElement).value

  if (value !== '') {
    const inPixels = toPixels(parseInt(value))
    emit('frame:height', inPixels)


Provide / inject

The way I see it, provide and inject are basically localized global props.

// TheParent.vue
const ppi = ref<number | null>(null)
provide('ppi', ppi)

// AGrandGrandGrandChild.ts
const ppi = inject<Ref<number | null>>('ppi')


Watching some values that in turn will update another value that depends on a DOM element that changes based on the watched values (need to wait for next tick!):

<script setup lang="ts">
const boundingRect = ref<DOMRect | undefined>(undefined)
const height = computed(() => `${props.height}px`)
const width = computed(() => `${props.width}px`)

watch([height, width], () => {
  nextTick(() => {
    boundingRect.value = frameRef.value?.getBoundingClientRect()



<style scoped>
.frame {
  height: v-bind(height);
  width: v-bind(width);

Somewhere in the parent:

const frameRef = ref<{ boundingRect: DOMRect } | null>(null)

// later...
function handleMapDownload() {
  const boundingRect: DOMRect | undefined = frameRef.value?.boundingRect


type MaybeTimeout = ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> | undefined

let timeoutId: MaybeTimeout = undefined

function frequentlyCalled() {

  // Do stuff...

  timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
    // Do some other stuff on time out
  }, 500)


What about setInterval?

type MaybeInterval = ReturnType<typeof setInterval> | undefined

let intervalId: MaybeInterval = undefined

onMounted(() => {
  intervalId = setInterval(() => console.log("I'm called every 3 seconds..."), 3000)

onBeforeUnmount(() => {
  if (intervalId) {

Silence an error

If you need to quickly —and hopefully temporarily— silence a TypeScript error you can do so with:

// @ts-expect-error whatever reason here
const algo: any

Recursive types

Useful when defining tree-like structures.
Seems they can only be used when defining the types of properties.

interface SomeTree {
  [x: string]: boolean | SomeTree


What about a function that can receive a function as an argument or nothing at all?

function toggleModal(hideMenu: (() => void) | void)


Infer the type of array elements

You might not need this if you are doing proper typing.
But, sometimes it happens that you might need to.
Read on to find out how to do it:

const someArray = [{a: 1}, {a: 2}, {a: 3}]

function algo(o: (typeof someArray)[number]) {
  // Here `o` is of type { a: number }
  // even though we didn't type it explicitly
  // ...

If you create an ad-hoc data structures like this:

import Type1Icon from '@/components/icons/Type1Icon.vue'
import Type2Icon from '@/components/icons/Type2Icon.vue'
import Type3Icon from '@/components/icons/Type3Icon.vue'

const menuItems = [
    id: 'item1',
    label: 'Label 1',
    description: 'Desc 1',
    icon: Type1Icon
    id: 'item2',
    label: 'Label 2',
    description: 'Desc 2',
    icon: Type2Icon
    id: 'item3',
    label: 'Label 3',
    description: 'Desc 3',
    icon: Type3Icon

Later, you can infer the type of the array elements like this:

const currentUserItem = computed(() => {
  return find(menuItems, { id: route.params.menuItemId }) as (typeof menuItems)[number] | undefined
