2018 / 12 / 08
2019 / 03 / 15
Calibre dark mode in Linux

Allow Calibre to use the OS dark mode setting.


Manjaro i3 ships with a dark theme/mode setting by default.
Something I really appreciate.

When you install Calibre and open it, you’ll find that it doesn’t use the system’s dark mode.
However, telling it to do so is really easy.

You just need to set the CALIBRE_USE_SYSTEM_THEME env var, like this:

echo -e '\nexport CALIBRE_USE_SYSTEM_THEME=1' >> .profile

To try it out immediately, export the CALIBRE_USE_SYSTEM_THEME var and launch Calibre like this:


If you want the setting to work through d-menu (SUPER + D) then you need to logout and login back.

That’s it! :tada: