
Posts by published date


2023 / 10 / 11

TIL: Read from STDIN in Elixir on HackerRank

Grab input data in HackerRank problems

Grab the input provided by HackerRank from STDIN with:

input =, :all)
  |> String.split("\n", trim: true)

If the input provided are numbers you might want to chain the above with:

input =, :all)
  |> String.split("\n", trim: true)

In recent versions of Elixir (v1.13.0 or above) you might want to use, :eof) instead.

But HackerRank is running Elixir 1.8.2 which don’t support the :eof option yet (LeetCode uses 1.15.7 by the way…).

You can look at the Elixir version from within the REPL with: System.version.

2023 / 09 / 24

Permutations in Elixir

Generate all the permutations of a given list

While working on a problem, suddenly I had the need to get a hold of all the permutations of the elements in a list.

Thus, I did what any good engineer would do: I browsed the internet for a little bit and found a solution.

It makes use of for comprehensions and recursion.
It’s very concise and elegant, judge yourself:

defmodule Util do
  def permutations([]), do: [[]]

  def permutations(list) do
    for(item <- list, rest <- permutations(list -- [item]), do: [item | rest])
2023 / 09 / 24

TIL: Compare dates in Elixir

The right way to do date comparison in Elixir

Directly comparing dates with >, <, <=, etc. won’t throw an error, but can give the wrong result.

The right way to go about it, is to use

today = Date.utc_today()
tomorrow = Date.add(today, 1)
yesterday = Date.add(today, -1), tomorrow)
# :lt, today)
# :eq, yesterday)
# :gt
2023 / 09 / 23

TIL: Escape JavaScript RegExp string

Create a regular expression from any string

Sometimes you try to use certain strings to create regular expressions.

The problem is these string might contain characters that have special meaning inside a RegExp. For example:

const myString = '[Hello?](World)!!!'

To escape it for safe use as a regex pattern, lodash provides escapeRegExp.

const myString = '[Hello?](World)!!!'
// "\\[Hello\\?\\]\\(World\\)!!!"
2023 / 09 / 22

TIL: Capture keydown events on DIV elements

How to capture keydown/keypress events on HTML elements that aren't inputs

Just set the tabindex attribute, then you’ll be able to listen to keydown — or keyup, keypress — events like this:

<div tabindex="1" @keydown.esc="doSomething()">
  I can emit keydown events now!
2023 / 09 / 21

TIL: Set page margins to 0 on print preview

How to remove page margins when printing

Just add this CSS code to your app:

@media print {
  @page {
    margin: 0;

Print preview:

image image
Default margins No margins
2023 / 04 / 07

Set up Stable Diffusion in Linux

Run Stable Diffusion locally.

These notes serve as a walkthrough for people that —who like me— are not Python developers, but would like to run Stable Diffusion in their own machine.

The goal being to be able to type something like:

python scripts/ --prompt "a photograph of an astronaut riding a horse" --plms

And get a picture out of that. :)

2023 / 04 / 06

Set up Jellyfin in Linux

Install your very own home media server.

Currently, the most popular media servers are Plex, Emby, and Jellyfin.

In this tutorial we’ll go with Jellyfin as it is completely open source, doesn’t offer any premium features, nor it needs an external account to function properly.


Let’s go with the easiest one: Using the available packages.

sudo pacman -S jellyfin-server jellyfin-web


2022 / 10 / 16

Dota 2: Black screen on Linux

Game keep hanging after launch.

Dota 2 won’t start

One thing that worked for me —which also improved the game performance— was to switch from Vulkan to OpenGL by passing -gl to the Launch Options.

Launch Options

2022 / 09 / 24
2023 / 01 / 30

TIL: How to reset all stores in Pinia

An easy way to reset all the stores in your app.

I just learned that every Pinia store has a $reset function.

To reset all in-use stores you just need to:

import { getActivePinia } from 'pinia'

const pinia = getActivePinia()

pinia._s.forEach((store) => store.$reset())
2022 / 09 / 17

Import tailwind.config.cjs in Vite

Vite is ESM only, how do we import CommonJS files in it?

Let’s say you have a brand new Vue 3 + Vite project. You add Tailwind CSS to it and now you want to reference the config values inside a component.

Our goal will be to console.log(twConfig) to be able to browse the values in the console.

Easy enough, there seems to be some documentation for that right there in the official docs: Tailwind CSS - Referencing in JavaScript

There is a problem though. Let’s follow the instructions, add this to your src/App.vue file:

import resolveConfig from 'tailwindcss/resolveConfig'
import tailwindConfig from '../tailwind.config.cjs'

const twConfig = resolveConfig(tailwindConfig)

console.log('twConfig', twConfig)
2022 / 08 / 01

A confirmation dialog component with Vue 3 and Tailwind CSS

Let's write a reusable confirmation dialog with Vue and Tailwind CSS.


We’ll use the <BaseModal> component we wrote in:
A basic modal component with Vue 3 and Tailwind CSS.

Desired API

Let’s suppose we already have a <ConfirmationDialog> component, and we’d like to use it like this:

Dialog 1

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import ConfirmationDialog from '@/components/modals/ConfirmationDialog.vue'

const showDialog = ref(false)

function handleResult(value: boolean) {
  showDialog.value = false
  // Do something with `value`
  console.log('value', value)

  <ConfirmationDialog :show="showDialog1" @result="handleResult" />
2022 / 07 / 31
2022 / 09 / 18

A basic modal component with Vue 3 and Tailwind CSS

Let's write a reusable modal with Vue and Tailwind CSS.

Let’s go for a simple base modal implementation that provides a backdrop and a centered <div> where we can put any content we need.

Example usage in BaseModalExample.vue:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'

import BaseModal from '@/components/modals/BaseModal.vue'

const showModal = ref(false)

    class="bg-indigo-200 px-3 py-1 font-medium"
    @click="showModal = true"
    Show modal

  <BaseModal :show="showModal">
    <div class="p-4">
      <div class="text-lg">Hello Modal World!</div>

      <div class="py-2 text-sm">Click to close:</div>

        class="bg-indigo-200 px-3 py-1 font-medium"
        @click="showModal = false"
        Hide modal
2022 / 07 / 29
2023 / 01 / 29

Vue 3 testing cheat sheet

What are the basic constructs used for testing in Vue?

Lately, I’ve been realizing that co-located tests are better.

It’s easier to see which components are tested or not, or quickly open a component’s tests right there! — as opposed to going to a different folder to crawl a hierarchy of test files.

mount vs shallowMount

mount will render the whole component and all of its child components.
shallowMount will stub all the child component.

I think it’s preferably to use mount and only stub the things that you need.


This is how you can stub sub components:

import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'
import App from './App.vue'

test('mount component', () => {

  const wrapper = mount(App, {
    global: {
      stubs: {
        MiniMap: true


2022 / 07 / 29
2023 / 03 / 31

Vue 3 with TypeScript cheat sheet

How to properly use types when writing Vue components.


For this, you’ll need a Vue 3 + TypeScript (+ Tailwind CSS) project.

You can set up one following the instructions here:
Build a Vue 3 + TypeScript dev environment with Vite

Basic types, Records

  • If you want a type meaning “any value”, you probably want unknown instead.
  • If you want a type meaning “any object”, you probably want Record<string, unknown> instead.
  • If you want a type meaning “empty object”, you probably want Record<string, never> instead.

Adding properties to the window object

Add a src/index.d.ts file with this content:

export {}

declare global {
  interface Window {
    someVariable: string
    otherThing: number
    // any other variables you need here...
2022 / 07 / 27

Cycle through array with JavaScript

Easily cycle through array elements with function generators.

Let’s say you have an array and you’d like to cycle through its elements over and over. How would you go about it?

Let’s try with function generators, shall we?

function* cycleThrough(someArray) {
  while (true) yield* someArray

You can use it like this:

function* cycleThrough(someArray) {
  while (true) yield* someArray

const sortDirection = ['ASC', 'DESC', null]
const gen = cycleThrough(sortDirection)

console.log( // 'ASC'
console.log( // 'DESC'
console.log( // null
console.log( // 'ASC'
2022 / 07 / 27

TIL: Iterate an arbitrary number of times with forEach in JavaScript

Or generate an arbitrary number of objects with map

To iterate n number of times, just use forEach like this:

const count = 50

[...Array(count)].forEach((_, index) => {
  console.log(`Line: ${index}`)

// Line: 0
// Line: 1
// ...

Other times you might want to build an array of n number of objects — usually when creating demo data.

I’ve found that a simple way to do that is:

const count = 50

[...Array(count)].map((_, index) => {
  return {
    id: index,
    value: Math.random() * 100

// [ { id: 0, value: 13.144746993948909 },
//   { id: 1, value: 9.09769909468544 },
//   ...

The key here, is the spread operator on the constructed array. ;)

2022 / 07 / 07

Remove PDF password in Linux

Let's see how turn a password protected file into a normal one.

Using QPDF

QPDF is a command-line program for Linux that converts from one PDF file to another equivalent PDF file while preserving the content of the file. The tool allows you to encrypt and decrypt, web-optimize, and split and merge PDF files.

If you are using Manjaro, QPDF should be already installed. In case it is not, try with:

sudo pacman -S qpdf

To convert a secured file into an open one, use this command:

qpdf --password=mysecretpassword --decrypt the-secured.pdf new-unsecured.pdf


2021 / 08 / 22
2023 / 09 / 11

Build a Vue 3 + TypeScript dev environment with Vite

Production grade DX for all your web projects.


This is an opinionated guide on how to set up a new Vue 3 project with the aforementioned tech stack plus some extras that can really help in the DX (Developer Experience) department.

Stuff like:

  • Prettier
  • Husky
  • ESLint + styleLint + commitlint
  • Maybe Tailwind CSS ;)

And more…

Here are a couple of cheat sheets I wrote for Vue 3 + TypeScript:


Let’s get started

Generate a new project:

pnpm create vite

Then input:

  • Project name
  • Pick Vue
  • Pick TypeScript

Let’s set up our project with pnpm.
Enter the project directory, then:

pnpm install
pnpm up --latest


2020 / 08 / 15

Parse Twitter's date format with Elixir

How to parse something like Sun Aug 15 14:15:50 +0000 2021?

Twitter’s API date format

If you are using Twitter’s API you’ve probably come across their particular way of formatting dates on user’s tweets:

created_at: "Sun Aug 15 14:15:50 +0000 2021",

Let’s see how we would parse that into something like this:

~U[2021-08-15 14:15:50Z]


Let’s use Timex for parsing.
Add this to you project dependencies:

  # ...
  defp deps do
      {:timex, "~> 3.7"}
      # ...
2020 / 07 / 27

Deploy a Phoenix application to a VPS

Short guide on how to deploy a Phoenix app to Linode/DigitalOcean by hand.


First, we need a Phoenix app.

The application we’ll be deploying is the one from:
Building a JSON API in Elixir with Phoenix.

I’ll show the steps needed to have this app available at:

We’ll go with Ubuntu for the OS.
Also, we should have a domain already configured on that machine.

So, when trying something like this, it should respond as expected:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
-d '{"email":"","password":"qwerty"}' \ \
-c cookies.txt -b cookies.txt -i

OK, SSH into your VPS then follow the steps below.

2020 / 07 / 27

Deploy a Phoenix application to Gigalixir

Short guide on how to deploy a Phoenix app to Gigalixir.


First, we need a Phoenix app.

The application we’ll be deploying is the one from:
Building a JSON API in Elixir with Phoenix.

Deploying to Gigalixir’s free tier

This is the easiest way to get your app up and running.
It’s basically a zero config approach and it just works.

Create a new account on Gigalixir’s website.
Then let’s switch to the CLI tool for everything else.

Install the Gigalixir CLI tool:

sudo pip install gigalixir

After the installation is done, log in.
This will get your API key saved to ~/.netrc:

gigalixir login

# Email:
# Password:
# Would you like us to save your api key to your ~/.netrc file? [Y/n]: Y
# Logged in as
2020 / 07 / 26

Elixir CI with GitHub Actions

Set up a continuous integration process for your Elixir project.


Let’s set up a CI —Continuous Integration— process for an Elixir project using GitHub Actions.
I’ll use the JSON API we built in this tutorial.

It’s critical to have working tests on the project, otherwise what’s the point of setting CI on it, right?

So, make sure to:

  • Have a GitHub account, or create one.
  • Have a repository holding your project’s code.
  • Have tests set up in your project.

CI workflow

Let’s create a new workflow that’ll run our tests whenever we push code to main or make a pull request.

2020 / 07 / 25

Dota 2: Game client is out of date issue

Unable to update, even after restarting.

Whenever you see this message you usually close the game client, wait a bit until the update finishes downloading then restart the game.

Game client is out of date

But sometimes, the updating process will never start, and you will be greeted with this dialog all the time with no way of getting rid of it, lest you reinstall the game —which is not practical when the whole game is around ~25GB.

So, what to do?

2020 / 04 / 25

Datos abiertos de México y COVID-19

Enlaces a datos públicos y casos de COVID-19 en México.

Después de buscar un buen rato, logré recabar un conjunto de enlaces con todo lo necesario para hacer visualización de datos georeferenciada.

Dejo aquí la información para cualquiera que ande buscando.

Datos abiertos del INEGI

Estos datos pueden servir para visualizar la información provista por la Secretaría de Salud sobre un mapa de la república mexicana.

Mapas georeferenciados

Aquí puedes descargar el marco geoestadístico más reciente que indica que sigue el estándar de datos abiertos:
Ver lista de descargas

La descarga está compuesta de archivos en formato ZIP, uno para cada entidad y uno más para el marco geoestadístico integrado.

Los ZIPs contienen archivos SHP (ESRI Shapefile).

Estos archivos pueden ser importados en un programa como QGIS y ser exportados —por ejemplo— a formato GeoJSON.

Con GeoJSON en mano puedes usar D3 para desplegar el mapa de la república mexicana en un navegador.

2020 / 04 / 25
2023 / 04 / 04

Identify a mobile browser with JavaScript

How to tell if someone is using a cell phone to browser your site.

After some research, I have found that the easiest and more reliable way to tell if the current browser is on a mobile device is with this:

Source code

function isMobile () {
  return /Mobi/.test(window.navigator.userAgent)

Just as the MDN says on the topic:

In summary, we recommend looking for the string “Mobi” anywhere in the User Agent to detect a mobile device.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy! :lemon:

2020 / 04 / 25

Validate a required boolean in Vue

Useful when making sure checkboxes have been ticked

Required booleans

Let’s say you have a checkbox that you need your users to click/check before proceeding —like accepting some ToS or agreeing to something.

This falls on the realm of form validation, and there is nothing better than Vuelidate for that.

If you already know some Vuelidate you might be tempted to go with something like:

<!-- template... -->

import { required } from 'vuelidate/lib/validators'

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      hasAccepted: false

  validations: {
    hasAccepted: { required }

But you just can’t use the required validator on a checkbox —or switch.

That’s because it’s a boolean.

2020 / 04 / 18
2022 / 08 / 03

DOM manipulation with D3 in Vue 3

Showcase the evolution of D3's general update pattern.


Install the required packages:

pnpm add d3-selection d3-transition
pnpm add -D @types/d3-selection @types/d3-transition

How to import D3

You can import the whole of D3:

// Needs `pnpm add d3`

import * as d3 from 'd3'

// OR...

const d3 = await import('d3')

But the whole of D3 might contain functionality you won’t be using at the moment.

I think it’s better to install and import only the parts you know for sure you’ll use.

2020 / 04 / 09

How to add Tailwind CSS to Vue.js

My new favorite utility-first CSS framework!

Basic setup

This guide builds on Quickstart guide for a new Vue.js project.

We are going to setup Tailwind CSS + PurgeCSS to get a very lean CSS system that’ll only include what we actually use from Tailwind.

Install dependencies

yarn add tailwindcss
yarn add --dev @fullhuman/postcss-purgecss

Generate Tailwind CSS config file

Create a ready-to-be-extended tailwind.config.js file:

npx tailwind init # --full

If you want a full config file, you can remove the # and pass the --full flag to the command above.

2020 / 04 / 09

How to add Vuetify to Vue.js

Material Design for the greater good!

Basic setup

This guide builds on Quickstart guide for a new Vue.js project.

Install Vuetify

Let’s use the new vue add command to install Vuetify:

vue add vuetify
2020 / 04 / 04
2023 / 03 / 28

Install Google Chrome in Linux

Still one of the best dev environments for web apps.

Let’s install Google Chrome from the AUR:

cd ~/tmp
git clone
cd google-chrome/
makepkg -si

Execute with:

google-chrome-stable &
2020 / 04 / 04
2023 / 12 / 12

Install VSCode in Linux

The one and only, the fabulous Visual Studio Code in Linux.

One code editor to rule them all…
Visual Studio Code is fast, nimble, and beautiful.

cd ~/tmp
git clone
cd visual-studio-code-bin/
makepkg -si

Execute with:

code &

inotify watchers

We need to increase the amount of inotify watchers.
This is needed so Visual Studio Code can manage projects with a lot of files:

echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee \
/etc/sysctl.d/40-max-user-watches.conf && sudo sysctl --system


2019 / 10 / 26

Format a USB drive as FAT32 in Linux

This can be useful if you need to flash some BIOS or interact with a Windows machine file system.

Why FAT32

Although in theory no one should be using these file systems anymore, in practice, sometimes you just need one, for example for flashing your motherboard’s BIOS or some other arcane task. Or maybe just for having a drive that’s compatible with Windows.

Whatever the reason, here is a guide on how to achieve this using Linux.

First, correctly identify the drive location

Open a terminal and type:

sudo fdisk -l
2019 / 08 / 31
2023 / 04 / 07

Set up Manjaro i3

Imagine no longer having to minimize, maximize, resize or rearrange any windows, ever, again.
Thx i3wm. ❤️

If you still don’t know what i3 is, please have a look at this.


Create a live USB for Manjaro Linux —instructions here.
Then install it.

Offline set up

Things to do before connecting to the network.

Create common directories:

mkdir -p ~/bin ~/encrypted ~/tmp

Make some ~/.bashrc additions:

alias ll="ls -lhF"
alias la="ls -lahF"

export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:ignorespace
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH

export PS1="\[\e[37;1m\]\t . \[\033[01;32m\][\u@\h\[\033[01;37m\] \W\[\033[01;32m\]]\$\[\033[00m\] "
2019 / 07 / 28
2019 / 09 / 28

Cómo entrar a la configuración del módem de Telcel

El admin de tu módem está en

URL de acceso

Para entrar a la página de configuración, abre tu navegador y visita la siguiente URL:

Datos de acceso

  • Nombre de usuario: Telcel
  • Contraseña: Telcel

Configura los servidores DNS

Mirando en el admin del módem no encontré por ningún lado la manera de especificar los servidores DNS que quería utilizar. Buscando en internet leí que cuando esas opciones de configuración no están disponibles, usualmente están escondidas.

Aquí les presento cómo llegar a ellas:

  1. Entra al admin de tu módem y da clic sobre Configuraciones, después en el menú lateral da clic sobre WLAN y en el submenú clic a DHCP.

  2. Estando en esa página abre las DevTools de tu navegador —usualmente con F12— e introduce el siguiente código en la consola:

     a = document.querySelector('#dhcp_primary_dns') = 'table-row'
     b = document.querySelector('#dhcp_secondary_dns') = 'table-row'

Ahora verás los campos para Servidor DNS primario y Servidor DNS secundario.

Listo. Configura y da clic en Aplicar.


2019 / 03 / 14
2019 / 07 / 30

Add subtitles to a video in Linux

Let's hardcode some .srt/.ass subtitles into a video with ffmpeg.

.srt subtitles

Ever wondered how to hardcode .srt subtitles into a video?
Or how to modify the font size before fusing them?

These notes will show exactly how.

From ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8

For the process to be successful, we need the .srt file to be UTF-8 encoded.
Spanish subtitles files are commonly encoded as ISO-8859-1.

So, is it ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8?

We can find out with:


If it’s UTF-8 encoded, you’ll see something like: UTF-8 Unicode text, with CRLF line terminators


2018 / 12 / 08
2019 / 03 / 15

Calibre dark mode in Linux

Allow Calibre to use the OS dark mode setting.

Manjaro i3 ships with a dark theme/mode setting by default.
Something I really appreciate.

When you install Calibre and open it, you’ll find that it doesn’t use the system’s dark mode.
However, telling it to do so is really easy.

You just need to set the CALIBRE_USE_SYSTEM_THEME env var, like this:

echo -e '\nexport CALIBRE_USE_SYSTEM_THEME=1' >> .profile

To try it out immediately, export the CALIBRE_USE_SYSTEM_THEME var and launch Calibre like this:


If you want the setting to work through d-menu (SUPER + D) then you need to logout and login back.

That’s it! :tada:

2018 / 09 / 21
2023 / 03 / 14

Create a Linux live USB

No special apps or some other nonsense required. The CLI already provides everything we need for this task.

Download a Linux ISO image

The XFCE Desktop from Manjaro is a good one.
Download the latest image from here.

If you want to verify the .iso image, you can also download the checksum (.sha512) and signature (.sig) files.

Verify the checksum

Verify the ISO image against the .sha512 file like this:

sha512sum -c manjaro-xfce-22.0-221224-linux61.iso.sha512

If everything is all right, you’ll see: manjaro-xfce-22.0-221224-linux61.iso: OK.

2018 / 06 / 10
2023 / 06 / 01

Basic Git configuration

Let's customize the git configuration for an improved DX.

Set up our user and email:

git config --global "Your name goes here"
git config --global ""

Always git pull with rebase:

git config --global pull.rebase true

Let’s have colored output for git status and git diff:

git config --global color.ui "auto"

Enable the automatic detection of CPU threads to use when packing repositories:

git config --global pack.threads "0"
2018 / 04 / 06
2022 / 08 / 28

Build a JSON API with Phoenix

Let's build a JSON API that uses cookies. Sorry, not sorry JWT.

This guide is for the now outdated Phoenix 1.5 version

— lt

Do you have a Rails background?

Are you tired of looking at outdated or incomplete tutorials on how to build a JSON API using Elixir and Phoenix?

Then, read on my friend!


I have found there are mainly two types of tutorials one should write:

  • Scoped, focused tutorials.
  • Full step-by-step tutorials.

With full step-by-step tutorials being used to teach about new tech stacks.

Going from zero to fully working prototype without skipping steps.
With best practices baked-in, and presenting the best libraries available for a given task.
I enjoy very much tutorials that take this holistic approach.

So, here is mine. :v:

2018 / 03 / 10
2023 / 12 / 12

Install Node.js in Linux

asdf is the easiest way to install Node.js in Linux.

GitHub for asdf-nodejs.

Install asdf

Clone the GitHub repository:

git clone ~/.asdf --branch v0.14.0

Add some lines to your .profile and .bashrc files:

echo -e '\n. $HOME/.asdf/' >> ~/.profile
echo -e '\n. $HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash' >> ~/.bashrc

Make changes effective immediately with:

source ~/.profile
exec $SHELL

If we add to ~/.profile instead of ~/.bashrc, it will have the side effect of allowing applications started through dmenu —for i3 users— to be able to call asdf installed commands.

This is because stuff in ~/.profile gets loaded when you log in into your account. Thus, anything there will be available to other programs run through dmenu or desktop icons.

On the other hand, stuff in ~/.bashrc gets loaded every time you open a terminal. Thus, another way to have VSCode work with asdf installed commands, would be to just start code from a terminal.

Update asdf

To update to the latest stable version just type:

asdf update
2018 / 03 / 09
2022 / 08 / 02

Fluid SVGs with Vue 3

Have your SVGs adjust to their parents width.

A fluid SVG is one that can grow as far as its parent allows it to.
The trick lies in how we define the <svg> element.

Only set the viewBox attribute, but don’t set a height nor width on it.
Thus, it’ll preserve its aspect ratio, growing and shrinking accordingly.

2018 / 03 / 08
2023 / 12 / 12

Install Elixir in Linux

The easiest way to install Elixir in Linux is through asdf, period.

GitHub for asdf-erlang | GitHub for asdf-elixir

Version managers are great. With them you are able to install multiple versions of the languages you use.
I’ve been using asdf to install Erlang and Elixir with OTP support for quite some time now.

Install asdf

Clone the GitHub repository:

git clone ~/.asdf --branch v0.14.0

Add some lines to your .profile and .bashrc files:

echo -e '\n. $HOME/.asdf/' >> ~/.profile
echo -e '\n. $HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash' >> ~/.bashrc

Make changes effective immediately with:

source ~/.profile
exec $SHELL

If we add to ~/.profile instead of ~/.bashrc, it will have the side effect of allowing applications started through dmenu —for i3 users— to be able to call asdf installed commands.

This is because stuff in ~/.profile gets loaded when you log in into your account. Thus, anything there will be available to other programs run through dmenu or desktop icons.

On the other hand, stuff in ~/.bashrc gets loaded every time you open a terminal. Thus, another way to have VSCode work with asdf installed commands, would be to just start code from a terminal.

Update asdf

To update to the latest stable version just type:

asdf update
2018 / 03 / 08
2023 / 03 / 28

Install PostgreSQL in Linux

The big elephant in the room, the world's most advanced open source relational database.

Installation process

Setting up PostgreSQL in Manjaro Linux is very easy.

Just follow these steps and you’ll have a working installation in no time.

Install the postgresql package:

sudo pacman -S postgresql postgresql-libs postgis

Switch to the postgres user account and initialize the database cluster:

sudo -i -u postgres
initdb --locale $LANG -E UTF8 -D '/var/lib/postgres/data/'

Options for initdb are as follows:

  • --locale is the one defined in /etc/locale.conf.
  • -E is the default encoding for new databases.
  • -D is the default location for storing the database cluster.

You can have it always running when your machine starts with:

sudo systemctl enable --now postgresql.service

Otherwise, you could start, stop or restart it when needed with:

sudo systemctl start postgresql.service
sudo systemctl stop postgresql.service
sudo systemctl restart postgresql.service
2018 / 01 / 25
2023 / 01 / 29

Set up full disk encryption in Linux

Let's set up FDE for a secondary HDD that can be used as backup.


Let’s say that you get a brand new 2TB/4TB/8TB/xTB HDD, and you want to use it as a safe backup device.
That means you want to encrypt everything you put in it.

So, assuming you’ve already installed the drive on your computer; let’s prepare it for FDE (Full Disk Encryption).

Correctly identify the drive name

Open a terminal and type:

sudo fdisk -l

You’ll see a list of storage devices connected to your computer and their partitions —if any.

You need to identify the one you just connected. It’s very easy if your devices are of different sizes, since that can easily indicate the drive you want to work with.

You can also use the lsblk command to see a list of all block devices and their partitions:


Example output:

sda     8:0    0   1.8T  0 disk


2017 / 01 / 01
2019 / 07 / 30

Cómo entrar a la configuración del módem de izzi

El admin de tu módem está en

URL de acceso

Para entrar a la página de configuración, abre tu navegador y visita la siguiente URL:

Datos de acceso

  • Nombre de usuario: admin
  • Contraseña: password

Dados esos valores que trae por defecto te recomiendo que cambies el password del admin tan pronto como puedas.






2010 / 01 / 20
2019 / 07 / 28

Cómo entrar a la configuración del módem de Telmex

El admin de tu módem está en

URL de acceso

Para entrar a la página de configuración, abre tu navegador y visita la siguiente URL:

Datos de acceso

  • Nombre de usuario: TELMEX
  • Contraseña: (la clave WPA que viene en la etiqueta sobre el aparato)
